Friedenauer Straße 17c, Raum 2.01
Children and teenagers in Monheim can attend various primary and secondary schools. All of the town's elementary schools, Rosa Parks School, the two comprehensive schools (Peter-Ustinov-Gesamtschule and Gesamtschule am Berliner Ring) and Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium are run by the City.
The Förderzentrum Süd (Support Center South), which is run by the district, teaches schoolchildren with special needs in the fields of language and learning as well as emotional and social development. The vocational colleges in Hilden and Opladen offer a wide range of courses and combine general and vocational education.
Special features of the school landscape in Monheim am Rhein are the ongoing planning for school and media development.
The aim of the City’s school development planning is to ensure that schools embrace modern educational concepts and have state-of-the-art equipment to enable efficient teaching.
For example, all of Monheim’s elementary schools are being adapted to the needs of all-day pupils and the increased demand for places in all-day schools. This is being done, among other things, through renovation work, the upgrading of classrooms, modern furniture and teaching aids. Ongoing reviews enable a rapid response to fluctuating student numbers.
As part of Monheim’s media development planning work, schools are given game-changing media equipment. The plan defines the framework conditions, goals and necessary resources so that digital media can be used in everyday teaching work. This forms the basis for the appropriate and educationally meaningful use of digital media.
The correct, socially and legally appropriate use of media and communication tools, as well as the critical evaluation of content, are becoming increasingly important. The media equipment of schools is a necessary prerequisite for this to give students the appropriate skills for the information society.
Monheim am Rhein has various elementary schools with different profiles. All schools are operated as all-day schools and take care of the pupils from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., in line with decree “12-63 No. 2”.
The City is making an important contribution to reconciling family and working life by expanding the number of all-day school places at all elementary schools in line with demand.
All-day school has been free of charge since 2014. The exemption from fees is a vital building block for ensuring the best possible opportunities for all the children in our city.
Monheim's secondary comprise Rosa Parks School, the two comprehensive schools (Peter-Ustinov-Gesamtschule and Gesamtschule am Berliner Ring) and Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium. At Rosa Parks School and the comprehensive schools, all lower secondary level qualifications (grades 5 to 9/10) can be obtained. Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium and both comprehensive schools additionally offer upper secondary education ("Gymnasiale Oberstufe" grades 11 to 13).
The Förderzentrum Süd (Support Center South) is located in the district of Mettmann. It is a development center with a special focus on language (primary level) in conjunction with special focuses on learning as well as emotional and social development (primary and secondary level).
The City of Monheim am Rhein is a member of the special-purpose association of vocational schools in Opladen. The vocational college in Hilden is run by the district of Mettmann, to which the City of Monheim am Rhein belongs.
The Volkshochschule (VHS) is an adult education center. One special focus of VHS Monheim am Rhein is evening classes for people who left school without graduating. In these special courses, everyone has the chance to gain their Hauptschulabschluss (certificate of basic secondary education) or Realschulabschluss (certificate of general secondary education). In addition, the VHS offers numerous other courses so that adults can gain vocational qualifications.
Further information on registration and costs can be found here: www.vhs.monheim.de
Friedenauer Straße 17c, Raum 2.01