
Stolpersteine – literally "stumbling stones", metaphorically "stumbling blocks" – are little reminders of citizens who were persecuted, murdered, deported or displaced during the National Socialist era. The original idea came from the artist Gunter Demnig, who began producing and laying the blocks back in the 1990s.

Measuring 96 by 96 millimeters, Stolpersteine are brass memorial plaques on a concrete cube. Each block commemorates a person who was a victim of National Socialism. The block is placed in the ground in front of where the person lived or worked, so that passersby can "stumble upon" it, take a closer look at the place, and imagine the people who once lived there.

The [extern]Stolpersteine project has grown over time, to the point where there are now around 75,000 of these plaques in Germany and other European countries. For larger groups of victims, the artist creates so-called Stolperschwellen – "stumbling thresholds".

There are currently 75 Stolpersteine in Monheim am Rhein. The first twelve plaques for Jewish victims were laid in 2003 following a joint project by the Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium, the Catholic parish of St. Gereon and the association Partnerschaft mit Israel (Partnership with Israel). Monheim am Rhein’s City Council unanimously agreed to the laying of these Stolpersteine. But this was just the beginning: over the years and following extensive research, further blocks were added to commemorate more victims, most of them forced laborers.

In addition, in March 2020, Gunter Demnig laid a Stolperschwelle (literally: a "stumbling threshold") outside the "Rheinterrassen Baumberg Beach" restaurant on Klappertorstrasse. It recalls at least 44 French prisoners of war who were interned there from 1940 to 1945 and were subjected to forced labor in contravention of the Geneva Convention. While Stolpersteine are dedicated to individuals, Stolperschwellen serve to commemorate groups of victims.

The Stolpersteine project in Monheim am Rhein is not yet complete. The next blocks to be laid will honor Jews who survived the Holocaust, and more are planned.

Stolpersteine have been laid for these persons

Alexejev, Wasilij

Wasilij Alexejev (born in 1882) from Russia, forced labor at Pötz & Sand since 1944, deceased on September 23, 1944.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 44 (Chain Factory Pötz & Sand)

Arsentjev, Iwan

Iwan Arsentjev (born in 1930) from Russia, forced labor at Pötz & Sand, killed in the bombing raid on Februrary 21, 1945.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 44 (Chain Factoty Pötz & Sand)

Arsentjeva, Ekatarina

Ekatarina Arsentjeva (born in 1907) from Russia, forced labor at Pötz & Sand, experienced the liberation.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 44 (Chain Factory Pötz & Sand)

Boehm, Franz

Pastor Franz Boehm, born on October 3, 1880 in Boleszyn (West Prussia); pastor of the parish of St. Gereon from 1938 until his death in the concentration camp in Dachau in 1945.

Stolperstein location: Franz-Boehm-Straße 4.

Blumenfeld, Arthur

Arthur Blumenfeld, born on October 10, 1911 in Monheim, fled to Palestine.

Planned Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 14, to be laid in 2021

Blumenfeld, Ella

Ella Blumenfeld (née Wiesengrund), born on March 5, 1884, fled to Palestine in 1933.

Planned Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 14, expected to be laid in 2021.

Blumenfeld, Felix

Felix Blumenfeld, born on March 31, 1878 in Husen close to Paderborn, fled to Palestine in 1935.

Planned Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 14, expected to be laid in 2021

Blumenfeld, Marga

Marga Blumenfeld, born on July 25, 1914 in Monheim, fled to Palestine in 1933.

Planned Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 14, expected to be laid in 2021.

Boots, Guij

Guij Boots (born in 1924) from the Netherlands, forced labor at the Rheinische Pappenfabrik (cardboard factory) since June 1943, died of pneumonia in 1943.

Stolperstein location: Uniferm yeast plant, formerly the Rheinische Pappenfabrik

Cogliati, Luigi

Luigi Cogliati (born in 1917) from Italy, forced labor at Rhenania Ossag since 1944, killed in a bombing raid on October 6, 1944. 

Stolperstein location: Rheinpromenade / Krischerstraße 100 (Rhenania-Ossag mineral oil plant).

Dahl, Hedwig

Hedwig Dahl (née Herz), born on August 31, 1908 in Monheim; moved to Cologne in 1935, fled to Luxemburg in 1939, was interned in Drancy in France in 1940, deported to Auschwitz in 1944 and murdered there.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 14.

Dahl, Felix

Felix Dahl, born on January 12, 1900 in Gevenich (Cochem district); moved to Monheim in 1933, then moved to Cologne in 1935, fled to Luxemburg in 1939, was interned in Drancy in France in 1940, deported to Auschwitz in 1944 and murdered there.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 14.

Di Gregorio, Pietro

Pietro Di Gregorio (born in 1918) from Italy, forced labor at Rhenania-Ossag since 1944, killed in a bomb raid in 1944.

Stolperstein location: Rheinpromenade / Krischerstraße 100 (Rhenania-Ossag mineral oil plant)

Drzymalskí, Aleksander

Aleksander Drzymalskí (born in 1905) from Poland, forced labor in the agricultural and craft sector; from 1940 to 1945 housed in the transitional camp on Lottenstraße, died on June 3, 1945 of methyl alcohol poisoning.

Stolperstein location: Lottenstraße 6.

Fumagalli, Aurelio

Aurelio Fumagalli (born in 1906) from Italy, forced labor at the Rheinische Pappenfabrik (cardboard factory) presumably since September 1944. Killed in a bomb raid on 25 November 1944.

Stolperstein location: Uniferm yeast plant, formerly the Rheinische Pappenfabrik.

Glebowa, Ewdokija

Ewdokija Glebowa (born in 1899) from Russia, forced labor at Pötz & Sand since 1944, experienced the liberation.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 44 (Chain Factory Pötz & Sand)


Glebowa, Paraskewa

Paraskewa Glebowa (born in 1939) from Russia, died of pulmonary tuberculosis on November 24, 1944, at just five years of age. 

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 44 (Chain Factory Pötz & Sand).

Herz, Alfred

Alfred Herz, born on February 27, 1882 in Monheim; deported to Riga on December 11, 1941, declared dead.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 14.

Herz, Emanuel

Emanuel Herz, born on June 28, 1859 in Monheim, moved to Düsseldorf in 1942, deported to Theresienstadt, murdered in Treblinka.

Stolperstein location: Franz-Boehm-Straße 3. 

Herz, Goldine

Goldine (Dina) Herz (née Blumenfeld), born on January 5, 1882 in Husen close to Paderborn; deported to Riga on December 11, 1941, declared dead. 

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 14.

Herz, Irma

Irma Herz, born on December 17, 1914 in Monheim, deported from her last place of residence in Cologne to Minsk on June 20, 1942. Murdered in Maly Trostinez.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 14.

Herz, Isidor

Isidor Herz, born on September 6 1880 in Monheim; imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp from June 22, 1938 until January 31, 1939. Went underground in 1940, worked under a false identity in the Nordstern mine in Gelsenkirchen from 1941 to 1944. He survived.

Planned Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 26, expected to be laid in 2021.

Herz, Johanna

Johanna Herz, born on July 2 1873 in Monheim; deported to Theresienstadt on July 25,1942, murdered in Treblinka.

Stolperstein location: Grabenstraße 54.

Herz, Joseph

Joseph Herz, born on October 1, 1865 in Monheim; deported to Theresienstadt on July 24, 1942 where he died on September 17, 1942.

Stolperstein location: Grabenstraße 54.

Herz, Helena

Helena Herz (née Schrank), born on March 25, 1887 in Monheim; deported from Cologne to Lodz (Litzmannstadt) in 1941, murdered in May 10, 1942 in Chelmno (Kulmhof).

Stolperstein location: Franz-Boehm-Straße 3.

Herz, Mathilde

Mathilde Herz, born on April 11, 1889 in Monheim; deported to Riga on December 11, 1941, declared dead. 

Stolperstein location: Franz-Boehm-Straße 3.

Herz, Sara

Sara Herz, born on January 23, 1868 in Monheim; deported to Theresienstadt on July 24, 1942, then transported to Treblinka. Declared dead. 

Stolperstein location: Grabenstraße 54.

Herz, Walter

Walter Herz, born on November 11, 1919 in Monheim, taken into protective custody in 1938, then imprisoned in the Dachau concentration camp from November 17 to December 22, 1938. Died in a traffic accident in Cologne Lindenthal in 1941. 

Planned Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 14, expected to be laid in 2021.

Herz, Wilhelmine

Wilhelmine Herz, Herz, hospitalized in different clinics from 1900 onwards, since 1928 in Langenfeld-Galkhausen. Transported to the killing center in Hadamar on February 14, 1941 as part of the "Aktion T4": murdered that same day.

Stolperstein location: Grabenstraße 54.

Kolisch, Ernst

Ernst Kolisch (born in 1891) from the Czech Republic; worked as aan accountant at the Schwartner gravel and sand dredging company on Oladener Straße; in 1944 arrested by the Gestapo due top a denunciation; died at the Buchenwald concentration camp on March 26, 1945. 

Stolperstein location: Opladener Straße 200.

Kolomichev, Wladimir

Wladimir Kolomichev (born in 1925) from Russia, forced labor at Pötz & Sand since October 1942, killed in the bombing raid on Februrary 21, 1945.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 44 (Chain Factory Pötz & Sand).

Kosupskij, Antonius

Antonius Kosupskij (born in 1944), housed at Sanderhof, experienced liberation.

Stolperstein location: Leienstraße 12-20.

Kosupskij, Iwan

Iwan Kosupskij (born in 1923) from Ukraine, since 1943 forced labor for farmer Peter Herberg at the Sanderhof; died on April 10, 1945 as a result of a severe injury during a low-flying attack.

Stolperstein location: Leienstraße 12-20.

Kosupskij, Tatjana

Tatjana Kosupskij (born in 1924) from Ukraine, since 1943 forced labor for farmer Peter Herberg at the Sanderhof; experienced the liberation.

Stolperstein location: Leienstraße 12-20.

Krawiec, Jan (born in 1887)

Jan Krawiec (born in 1887) from Poland, since 1940 forced labor for the farmer Heinrich Roskothen at Vogtshof; experienced the liberation.

Stolperstein location: Bleer Straße 43 (Vogtshof).

Krawiec, Jan (born in 1923)

Jan Krawiec (born in 1923) from Poland, since 1940 forced labor for the farmer Heinrich Roskothen at Vogtshof; died from a gunshot wound in May 1945.

Stolperstein location: Bleer Straße 43 (Vogtshof).

Krawiec, Katharina

Katharina Krawiec (born 1897) from Poland, forced labor for farmer Heinrich Roskothen at Vogtshof since 1940; experienced the liberation.

Stolperstein location: Bleer Straße 43 (Vogtshof).

Krzyśkowiak, Bolesław

Bolesław Krzyśkowiak (born in 1908) from Poland, worked for the farmer Johann Aengenheister at the Altjudenhof, died on April 6, 1945 during a low-flying attack.

Stolperstein location: Schleiderweg (Altjudenhof).

Lanfranchi, Luigi

Luigi Lanfranchi (born in 1917) from Italy, forced labor for the Todt Organisation at Rhenania-Ossag mineral oil plant since 1944, killed during a bombing attak on the plant on October 6, 1944.

Stolperstein location: Rheinpromenade / Krischerstraße 100 (Rhenania-Ossag mineral oil plant).

Litwin, Iwan

Iwan Litwin (born in 1925) from Russia, forced labor at Pötz & Sand, killed in the bombing raid on Februrary 21, 1945.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 44 (Chain Factory Pötz & Sand).

Mapelli, Giovanni

Giovanni Mapelli (born in 1917) from Italy, forced labor for the Todt Organisation at the Rhenania-Ossag mineral oil plant since 1944, killed during a bombing attak on the plant on October 6, 1944.

Stolperstein location: Rheinpromenade / Krischerstraße 100 (Rhenania-Ossag mineral oil plant).

Matwejewa, Klowdija

Klowdija Matwejewa (born in 1899) from Russia, forced labor at Pötz & Sand, experienced the liberation.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 44 (Chain Factory Pötz & Sand).

Matwejewa, Lidija

Lidija Matwejewa (born in 1926) from Russia, forced labor at Pötz & Sand, died of pulmonary tuberculosis on November 7, 1944.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 44 (Chain Factory Pötz & Sand).


Mischenko, Nikolaus

Nikolaus Mischenko (born in 1907) from Ukraine, forced labor at the the Rheinische Pappenfabrik (cardboard factory); died on March 7, 1945 of severe injuries he had sustained in an air raid.

Stolperstein location: Uniferm yeast plant, formerly the Rheinische Pappenfabrik.


Muroschkocz, Alexandra

Alexandra Muroschkocz (born in 1905) from Ukraine, forced labor at Pötz & Sand, killed in the bombing raid on Februrary 21, 1945.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 44 (Chain Factory Pötz & Sand).


Newesenko, Iwan

Iwan Newesenko (born in 1926) from Ukraine, forced labor at the Rheinische Pappenfabrik (cardboard factory) since 1942, died of poisoning on December 27, 1944.

Stolperstein location: Uniferm yeast plant, formerly the Rheinische Pappenfabrik.

Olczewskí, Aurelia

Aurelia Olczewskí (born in 1925) from Poland, forced labor for farmer Wilhelm Herriger at the Klarenhof, experienced the liberation in April 1945.

Stolperstein location: Bleer Straße 41 (Klarenhof).

Olczewskí, Józef

Józef Olczewskí (born in 1897) from Poland, resided and worked at the Klarenhof farm from October 7, 1940 until his death.

Stolperstein location: Bleer Straße 41 (Klarenhof).

Olczewskí, Paulina

Paulina Olczewskí (born 1899) from Poland, forced labor for farmer Wilhelm Herriger at the Klarenhof; experienced the liberation.

Stolperstein location: Bleer Straße 41 (Klarenhof).

Pipczyńskí, Tadeusz

Tadeusz Pipczyńskí (born in 1908) from Poland; from November 27, 1940, until his death on June 3, 1945, he resided and worked for farmer Fritz Herriger at the Großer Hof.

Stolperstein location: Hofstraße 12 (Großer Hof).

Pleers, Josef E. M. A.

Josef Ernst Marie Adolphe Pleers (born in 1913) from Belgium, forced labor at Rhenania-Ossag mineral oil plant since 1943; committed suicide on August 4, 1943.

Stolperstein location: Rheinpromenade / Krischerstraße 100 (Rhenania-Ossag mineral oil plant).

Pitucha, Czesław

Czesław Pitucha (born in 1913) from Poland, forced labor at the Altjudenhof since 1940, killed on April 6, 1945 in a low-flying attack.

Stolperstein location: Schleiderweg (Altjudenhof).

Podmariowa, Olga

Olga Podmariowa (born in 1914) from Ukraine, forced labor for the farmer Peter Hofer; committed suicide on October 4, 1944.

Stolperstein location: Schallenstraße 34 (Hof Hofer).

Rosada, Roberto

Roberto Rosada (born in 1920) from Italy, since 1944 forced labor for the Todt Organisation at the Rhenania-Ossag mineral oil plant; killed in a bomb attack on the plant on February 21, 1944.

Stolperstein location: Rheinpromenade / Krischerstraße 100 (Rhenania-Ossag mineral oil plant).

Santandrea, Augusto

Augusto Santandrea (born in 1924) from Italy, since 1944 forced labor for the Todt Organisation at the Rhenania-Ossag mineral oil plant; killed in a bomb attack on the plant on February 21, 1944.

Stolperstein location: Rheinpromenade / Krischerstraße 100 (Rhenania-Ossag mineral oil plant).

Seleni, Wasilij

Wasilij Seleni (born in 1926) in Ukraine, forced labor at the the Rheinische Pappenfabrik (cardboard factory) since 1942; died of pulmonary tuberculosis on February 9, 1945.

Stolperstein location: Industriestraße 2, Uniferm yeast plant, formerly the Rheinische Pappenfabrik.

Seyer, Gaston

Gaston Seyer (born in 1912) from France, forced labor at the Rheinische Pappenfabrik (cardboard factory) since November 1943, killed in a bombing raid on February 14, 1945. 

Stolperstein location: Industriestraße 2, Uniferm yeast plant, formerly the Rheinische Pappenfabrik.

Smyschljaewa, Rufina

Rufina Smyschljaewa (born in 1917) from Russia, forced labor at Pötz & Sand since 1944, killed in the bombing raid on Februrary 21, 1945.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 44 (Chain Factory Pötz & Sand).

Stepurko, Jador

Jador Stepurko (born in 1889) from Ukraine, forced labor for farmer Aloys Herriger at the Frohnhof, died on February 26, 1945, after being struck by shrapnel. 

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 9 (Frohnhof).

Stepurko, Warwara

Warwara Stepurko (born in 1895) from Ukraine, forced labor for farmer Aloys Herriger at the Frohnhof, experienced the liberation.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 9 (Frohnhof).

Szczotka, Anna

Anna Szczotka (born in 1917, née Klusak) from Poland, forced labor for construction contractor Georg Wilhelm since 1941, died of poisoning on May 6, 1946.

Stolperstein location: Opladener Straße 79.

Szczotka, Wladisław

Wladisław Szczotka (born in 1911) from Poland, forced labor for construction contractor Georg Wilhelm since 1941, experienced the liberation.

Stolperstein location: Opladener Straße 79.


Tomczyk, Stanisław

Stanisław Tomczyk (born in 1919) from Poland, worked for farmer Wilhelm Bremer from April 1940 until his death in February 1945.

Stolperstein location: Kapellenstraße 36 (Hof Brenner).


Tukker, Gerardus

Gerardus Tukker (born in 1921) from the Netherlands, forced labor at the Rheinische Pappenfabrik (cardboard factory) since June 1944, killed in the bombing raid on Februrary 21, 1945.

Stolperstein location: Industriestraße 2, Uniferm yeast plant, formerly the Rheinische Pappenfabrik.

Urbaniak, Bolesław

Bolesław Urbaniak (born in 1921) from Poland, forced labor at the Hanke brickworks since 1940, and then at the Haustätter brickworks in Opladen; experienced the liberation.

Stolperstein location: Parkstraße 6 (Hof Bamberg).

Urbaniak, Stefan

Stefan Urbaniak (born in 1916) from Poland, resided and worked as a farm worker for farmer Josef Bamberg from December 3, 1940, until his death in March 1945.

Stolperstein location: Parkstraße 6 (Hof Bamberg).

Waal, Johannes de

Johannes de Waal (born in 1920) from the Netherlands, forced labor at the “Presshefe- und Spritwerke” since 1943; killed in the bombing raid on Februrary 21, 1945.

Stolperstein location: Industriestraße 2, Uniferm yeast plant, formerly the Rheinische Pappenfabrik.

Wagner, Helene

Helene Wagner (born in 1885, née Herz), was forced to give up her shop for manufactory goods in September 1934. She was held in protective custody from January 19, 1943, until February 9, 1943 at the women's prison in Düsseldorf. She was imprisoned a second time in Berlin, from September 25, 1944, until the end of the war on May 8, 1945.

Planned Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 26, to be laid in 2021.

Wagner, Hermann

Hermann Wagner (born in 1892), became a subject to constant harassment because of his Jewish wife; taken into protective custody by the Gestapo; experienced the liberation.

Planned Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 26, to be laid in 2021.

Waschenin, Roman

Roman Waschenin (born in 1904) from Russia, forced labor at Pötz & Sand since 1944, died of alcohol poisoning on June 3, 1945. 

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 44 (Chain Factory Pötz & Sand).

Wernigora, Warwara

Warwara Wernigora (born in 1909 from Ukraine, forced labor at Pötz & Sand, killed in the bombing raid on Februrary 21, 1945.

Stolperstein location: Frohnstraße 44 (Chain Factory Pötz & Sand).

Kazímierz Załęskí

Załęskí Kazímierz (born in 1914) from Poland, forced to work on the farm of Peter Poßberg until his death in November 1941.

Stolperstein location: Bleer Straße 201 (former Blee Estate).

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