Büro im Haus der Jugend, Raum 9, Tempelhofer Straße 17
Every school in Monheim am Rhein has at least one trained specialist in school social work.
School psychological counseling for teachers and specialists as well as for parents and children at the elementary school is provided by the Counseling Center for Parents, Children and Adolescents of the cities of Langenfeld and Monheim am Rhein. Two municipal school psychologists are at the disposal of the secondary schools.
School social work is professionally conducted social work in a school environment. It offers advice, guidance and support for all students as well as parents and teachers with the involvement of all caregivers.
In Monheim am Rhein, schools takes a prevention approach, moving away from reacting to deficits and in the direction of prevention as active management and design. At the heart of all the efforts is the child and its development.
The school psychologists of the City of Monheim am Rhein see themselves as the school’s specialist psychological service. This means that they regard themselves as the point of contact for everyone involved in a school environment: students, parents, teaching staff, special education teachers, school social work specialists and educators. They use scientific findings to support schools and parents in their educational work and in promoting good health.
Büro im Haus der Jugend, Raum 9, Tempelhofer Straße 17
Büro im Verwaltungstrakt des Gymnasiums
Büro: Raum B 0.3
Büro: Raum 1.7
Büro: Raum Moki 2
Schule am Lerchenweg
Büro: Raum 0.01
Büro: Mehrzweckraum neben der Mensa
Gesamtschule am Berliner Ring
Büro im Verwaltungstrakt
Büro: Raum B 0.1
Büro: Raum D 0.6.1