Büro im Haus der Jugend, Raum 9, Tempelhofer Straße 17
The Haus der Jugend youth center is a meeting place for children, teenagers and young adults at Tempelhofer Strasse 17.
Be there or be square, and discover new things together: chat, play games, do sports, cook, get creative, listen to music, dance and party!
All offers are free of charge. No registration required.
Up-to-date information can be found on the Haus der Jugend Instagram channel: @hausderjugend_monheim_am_rhein
Every Monday night, girls from the age of 10 come together to cook, do creative DIY projects and, of course, chat. The offer is free of charge - just pop in!
It starts at 4:30 pm. Girls up to 13 years of age may stay until 8 pm, older ones until 9 pm.
Contact: Marie Nitzgen.
On Tuesdays, from 3:30 to 6 p.m., various activities take place - from VR glasses to cooking to playing soccer or boxing.
In the evenings, young people can work out in the gym. The same offer is also available on Thursdays.
On Wednesdays, Haus der Jugend gets particularly creative. Various colorful activities take playce in the afternoon.
In the afternoon, there are various sports activities such as basketball or soccer.
In the evening, teenagers can cook dinner together.
From 4 to 6 p.m. there is an open band program with keyboards, guitars and drums. Everyone is invited to make music together. No previous experience is required.
The kids area is open from 3:30 to 6 pm. During the warmer months, the "Aktionsmobil" (action van) comes to Brandenburger Allee.
In the evening, there are various activities at Haus der Jugend. At 7 p.m., the art school offers a graffiti workshop. And we are open until 10 p.m. on Fridays!
The bowling alley at Haus der Jugend is primarily open as part of the open-door policy, but can also be rented free of charge by schools and clubs with youth departments.
In the basement, there are two bowling lanes side by side, with eight people able to play on each lane simultaneously. Large flat screens display the number of hits, scores, and the current lane record. Monheim schools or clubs with youth departments wishing to use the lanes can contact the Haus der Jugend team via email at bowlingbahnhdj@monheim.de.
The Haus der Jugend can be rented on Saturdays and Sundays for 200 euros. A deposit of 300 euros is required.
The rooms are usually booked up several months in advance.
Contact: Samir Omeirat.
Büro im Haus der Jugend, Raum 9, Tempelhofer Straße 17
Büro: Raum D 0.6.1
Tempelhofer Straße 17
Monday: girls' night (from 4:30 p.m.)
Kids area
Tue – Fri 3:30 – 6 p.m.
Youth area
Tue – Thu 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Fri 6:30 – 10 p.m.